Harnessing Solar Power: A Smart Investment and a Step Towards Sustainability in Flanders

Harnessing the sun's power is no longer a cost, but a brilliant investment that pays off in both monetary and environmental returns. At EmaxSolar, we understand the concerns and calculations that go into installing solar panels. We are here to assure you that it's a decision you will never regret. With the considerable savings on your energy bill, you can expect to recoup the cost of your solar panels within 8 to 10 years. Even better, by switching to solar energy, you contribute to a cleaner world.

The Flemish government shares our vision and encourages the adoption of solar energy. They're offering a substantial premium to incentivize solar panel installation, turning a smart investment into an even smarter one.

Note: Starting from 01/01/2024, there will no longer be premiums for solar panels in Flanders.
Premie for solar panels in Flanders - EmaxSolar

Making Solar Energy Accessible in Flanders

Effective from 1st January 2023, as per the Flemish government website, the government will grant a premium of €150/kWp for installations up to 4 kWp, and an additional €75/kWp for installations between 4kWp and 6 kWp. This could net you up to €750. This premium makes solar energy more accessible, reducing the initial investment cost and making solar power a more attractive option for individuals and businesses alike.
The premium offers an excellent opportunity to reduce your electricity bill, contribute to environmental preservation, and get a decent return on your investment. However, bear in mind that this premium will reduce by half in 2024, and by 2025 there will be no more premium.

Eligibility for Solar Panel Premium

To be eligible for the solar panel premium:
- The commissioning date should be after 1/1/2022
- A digital meter must be present at the installation address
- The solar panels must be installed by a RESCERT certified contractor
- The panels should be installed on the roof of a building
- The panels should not be installed on an asbestos-containing roof or shelter
- The solar panels must be new installations with an inverter capacity ≤ 10 kVA

Claim Your Premium

1. Installation: Engage EmaxSolar, a certified RESCERT installer, to install your solar panels. We promise quality and professionalism in every installation.
2. Inspection and Commissioning: Once the installation is complete, have your installation inspected and commissioned. The inspection date is your official commencement date and determines your premium amount.
3. Registration: EmaxSolar will guide you through the process of registering your solar panels with Fluvius within 30 days after the AREI inspection. After successful registration, you will receive a G number - an identification number of the installation.
4. Confirmation: Once Fluvius processes your application, they will send you a confirmation. While it may take a few months due to high demand, remember that your inspection date determines your premium.
5. Digital Meter Installation: If you don't already have a digital meter, EmaxSolar will guide you on the next steps. Once the digital meter is installed, your registration processed, and all other conditions are met, we will assist you in completing your premium application using your G-number.
With EmaxSolar, harness the power of the sun today, enjoy significant savings on your energy bills, and take a decisive step towards a cleaner, more sustainable future. Together, we can make Flanders shine brighter.

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