How to obtain government subsidies in Flanders, Wallonia and Brussels?

    How to obtain government subsidies in  Flanders, Wallonia and Brussels?

    How to obtain a green certificate in Flanders, Wallonia, and Brussels?

    The green certificate is a mechanism to help citizens to install photovoltaic panels. The procedure for obtaining these certificates depends on several factors including the region where you live. This green certificate system no longer exists in Flanders, it has been replaced by a "call for applications" system. In Brussels and Wallonia, green certificates are accessible, but these are regulated and certified by different entities. The green certificates are valid for 5 years and can be sold on the market at a price that varies between 65 and 95 euros.
    In the Flemish region
    The call for applications system allows people who want to install photovoltaic panels to submit an application to the grid operator at FLUVIUS, if they are successful, they can receive a one-off premium for solar panels which amounts to 1500 euros.
    In order to benefit from this offer, you must install solar panels and then register your system on the Fluvius website. Once your application has been processed, Fluvius will give you a G code and they will make an appointment with you for the installation of the digital meter. Once this step is complete, you can apply for the premium for solar panels and batteries.
    In the Walloon region
    In Wallonia, the government does not subsidize the installation of panels, but encourages it indirectly through green certificates. The body that regulates them is the Service Public Wallon of energy. The Walloon government has decided to reduce the possibilities of access to these certificates. From now on, they will be granted only to installations with a power of more than 10kWp. In order to benefit from them, the feasibility of the project must be verified, and the necessary authorizations and studies must be requested. Then, you must set a reasonable deadline for the project implementation and complete the form available on the SPW website. If the application is not complete, it will be considered inadmissible, the SPW Energy has 45 days after receiving your application to analyze it and send its decision .
    In the Brussels region
    In the Brussels Region, obtaining a green certificate is done in several steps; first, you must install solar panels at your home and all the equipment to make them operational. This involves the possible installation of a bi-directional meter by our partners SIBELGA, if you have a traditional meter. After the installation of your new meter, you will receive a certificate from Sibelga which will allow you to inject energy into the network and obtain your green certificate. Your installations must then be certified by an approved certification body designated by the Brussels regulator "Brugel”. Then, you will have to enter your production index via the platform of sibelga, “greenmeter”, this index will be transmitted to Brugel, which will calculate your certificate according to the quantity of electricity produced.

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